
Owl Tarot

The owl tarot symbolizes wisdom and knowledge available to you.

Star Tarot

The star tarot brings forth hope, inspiration, and enlightenment of the spiritual self.

Horse Tarot

The horse tarot represents physical action, energy, and power.

Black Owl Tarot

The black owl tarot symbolizes spiritual protection and extreme transitions.

The Astralla Tarot App

Tarot reading is a deeply insightful way to connect with your innermost self and receive guidance on your life journey. Whether you are facing challenges, seeking answers to difficult questions, or simply hoping to explore your intuition and psyche, the Astralla Tarot app is the perfect tool to help you unlock your full potential and explore the wisdom of the universe.


Sun in Scorpio

28 15’ 3’’ Twelfth house

When the sun is in Scorpio, it marks a special time of the year that has significant astrological implications. Scorpio is considered to be one of the most intense and transformative zodiac signs, and when the sun is in this sign, it amplifies these energies even further. This is also a time when we are more likely to focus on the deeper, more mysterious aspects of life, including spiritual development, psychic abilities, and uncovering hidden truths. Scorpio is also associated with sexuality, passion, and intimacy, so this is a great time to explore these areas of your life and allow yourself to delve deeper into your relationships with others. Overall, when the sun is in Scorpio, it is a time of transformation and growth, where we can tap into our own power and uncover new depths within ourselves.

Personalized Astrology


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Read your daily horoscope

May 21 – June 20
June 21 – July 22
July 23 – August 22