Mezcla especial Energy Wash
Tamaño: 8oz
Use nuestra mezcla especial para manifestar SUERTE, ABUNDANCIA ÉXITO y o para ganar un CASO EN LA CORTE, antes de apostar y lograr el resultado que desea. Nuestra mezcla especial está hecha con hierbas orgánicas, aceites esenciales, infusiones de Cristal y la mística poderosa energía.
Repeat this affirmation:I am the creator of my own reality. I am a fountain of wealth, overflowing with posibilities, I attack all I desire, I manifested all of my . I manifest all my goals. I am successful .
Light a Road Opener, Gold and a Blue candle on a Thursday as you repeat the affirmation above. Visualize yourself as a magnet. All the money, all the opportunities you need come to you. The people you need to help you are drawn to you. See your wealth increase. See your business grow. See yourself in the job you desire see yourself winning the lottery .
Dilute this formula in a liter of mineral water. After your shower or bath, splash the diluted Energy Wash from your feet upward on your legs. Allow it to air dry. Use this wash once a week for 7 consecutive weeks. Use it at Jupiter’s hour* each Thursday for luck and growth in business. Or use it at Jupiter”s hour* for success and Luck.
Successful in growing your business, advancing your career, and achieving prosperity. Luck Energy Wash bathes you in success and generates wealth, brings luck in all aspects.
*La hora de Júpiter cambia a diario.
Bled a medida hecho especialmente para sus necesidades.
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