Organic Herbs – Angelica Root


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Angelica Root Magical Properties


Protection, exorcism, healing, divination, prosperity, luck, hex breaking, courage and visions.


Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire

Sign:  Aries Leo 
Deities: Venus


Angelica is highly protective so therefore can be added to all protection incenses to increase protective energy and block negative energies. It is also used in exorcism incenses or added to floor washes to purify and cleanse. Sprinkle dried angelica around your property to draw prosperity and burn as an incense for purification, divination and blessings.Angelica Root- Sprinkle crushed leaves around the four corners of a house to ward off negativity and purify the home. it can also be burned for meditation, protection, divination, exorcism, healing,/health and visions.


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